Wednesday, July 25, 2012

2012 Harris Family Reunion

What was your favorite memory from the 2012 Harris Family Reunion?


  1. My favorite part of the trip was when Christian cut in line and rode Colossus with me. That was so funny.

  2. My fav was the awesome 5 star hotel we stayed in the first night. They had thoughtfully left chicken nuggets in the fridge for a perfect midnight snack. There was a nice breeze that came in through the bullet holes. The soap holder was detachable in case you wanted to hold soap in other parts of the hotel room (Why has no one else thought of that before?). But the best part was,even though I had forgotten to pack cigarettes, I didn't need them- I was able to smoke all night long for free! I wasn't a smoker, but when I left I experienced nicotine withdrawal. Seriously though, it was a lot of fun. Thanks Em.
