Sunday, March 13, 2011


Think about a time when someone or something truly surprised you. It might be something nice someone did for you, like a surprise party. Or maybe it was a practical joke, like surprising you with a snake in your bed. Or maybe something small, like passing a test. Whether it's good, bad, or ugly... tell us about a time when you were surprised.


  1. I was surprised when I went to take a final at Utah State, and nobody was there. The class was empty and dark. I double checked the room number. It was correct. I double checked the date. It was not correct. The final had been the day before. I was pretty sure I was having a nightmare, but I was awake. Surprise!

    (p.s. my professor let me take the final later and I got an A in the class, but he almost didn't believe me. I don't recommend this kind of surprise.)

  2. One day after work I went to go get Drew out of his typography class and he had told me it was room 105. As I open the door to room 105 I was surprised to see a fully naked man standing before me. I gasped loudly and the whole class laughed at me. Drew was in room 205. I never wemt to pick him up from class after that experience.

  3. I might have had a heart attack if I experienced either of those surprises. :)

    My surprise occurred when I was a sophomore in high school. My friend Bailey invited me and a few of our friends to sleep over at her house. I was taking Driver's Ed at the time, and that night I had a dream that I was parallel parking into the toilet. I'd have to say I was pretty surprised to wake up peeing my pants... at a sleepover... in high school. I'm sure my friends were a little surprised as well.

  4. That's awesome Marie. haha! Em, I can relate all too well. :) Beyond my horribly weak blatter, I once went to use my friend's toilet and ran into the bathroom really fast, pulled my pants down, sat down on the toilet and started to go before I realized the lid was down. Surprise!

  5. Are you ready for another story about my college roommate, Suzy? One night we went to bed and were unpleasantly surprised to find raw chicken livers, hearts and gizzards in our beds. Yuck! Our dorm neighbors had struck again. Suzy, however, was never one to be outdone. She slipped over to our neighbor’s apartments and the hid raw chicken parts in under our friend’s beds and in the back of their closets. I’m not sure if our neighbors ever did figure out why their apartment started smelling so “fowl.”

  6. I did some laundry last week and found a $20 in my pocket. That was a nice surprise.

  7. So is this sucker dead or what? :)
