Sunday, January 16, 2011

The funniest thing you've heard a kid say...

Kid's say the darndest things. You know it, I know it. So let's hear about something hilariously ridiculous that you've heard a kid say. Maybe it was a neighbor, a kid from your primary class, a nephew, a little sister, or maybe even one of your own kiddos. And while you're thinking of the funniest thing you've heard a kid say, here are a few pictures of some very cute kids that might spark your memories and get those wheels in your heads a turnin'.


  1. When Mark was just a little boy, I found him staring at the telephone with a most puzzled look on his face. Finally he asked, "Mom, which number is the wrong number?"

  2. One day in kindergarten, I taught my students that two e's together make the long "e" sound. Later that day, a very bright little girl wrote in her journal, "Today we went to pee."
    "Where did you go?" I asked.
    "You know," she said, "to P.E."

  3. For show-and-tell one day, one of my kindergarteners proudly announced that her sister had head lights. "Yup," she said, "and my mom is getting some special shampoo for them." (If this doesn't make sense, see my last post for things that we thought were cool.)

  4. O.K. I know this is just supposed to be things kids say, but sometimes Grandma can be as innocent as a kid. Yesterday, she asked me when Christian was going to finish up and get his "B.M. degree." Hmmmm. Is that Business Masters or something lower?

  5. Ha ha, that's funny. Christian never told me about his "B.M. degree." What an over achiever! ;)

    Anyway... About 6 years ago, we went to Bryce Canyon for a family reunion. I was holding McKay's hand as we crossed the street. McKay was probably about 6 years old. Just in front of us, a bus pulled up and started unloaded a ton of Asian tourists. McKay looked up at me and asked, "Emily... are we in China?" I laughed a little and said, "No Mckay, why would you think that?" He quickly responded, "Because everyone is speaking Spanish."

  6. Oh man, Mom. That was hilarious. I especially laughed at Grandma's comment.

    Here are a few I remember:

    1. McKay at Bryce Canyon. See Em's post.

    2. Jessica's primary leader asked everyone to go through a line and stand up at the microphone and say what they were grateful for. One by one, the kids said things like, "My family, my home, my pet...etc." Jessica got up and shrugged her shoulders and said really slowly and loudly, "Awkward moments."

    3. McKay had to recite a scripture in sacrament meeting when he got the priesthood. He said, "We believe mankind will be punished for Adam's sins and not for his own transgressions."

    4. Just yesterday, Paisley and Nate were messing with Blake's iphone's voice to text feature. Paisley sang the lyrics to Ke$ha's Tic Toc, and Nate recited types of government. Somehow it came out a bazaar message saying, "I got married to Ann Frank." Along that line, Blake tried the voice to text feature a few days ago and sent me a crazy message in which he finished, "I can not deny that I love you." I responded, "I can not deny that I love you too."

    My favorite was when Emily was a kid. I was playing trivial pursuit jr. with her and asked, "How many stars were in the original United States flag?" She got really mad and started to pout. I was very confused. Finally she put her hands on her hips and said, "That's not fair. I've never even seen that movie!"

    I'll have to see if I can think of some more...

  7. Two more:
    The primary president asked children what the pioneers put in their hand carts. Nobody knew the answer until Mark finally shouted out what seemed obvious to him, "Hands!"

    I also loved it when the primary song leader asked McKay to name his favorite church song. Naturally, he said, "Oh, Sinner Man." (I think that is also Jay's favorite.)

  8. Very funny! The other day we came home from the hospital with our ultrasound pictures of baby #3. When we showed Anson and Bella their new brother or sister Anson's first comment was "mommy is the baby going to be a skeleton?"

  9. "These are my Ex-lax gloves!" - Emily was a weird kid.

  10. Ex-plain, Jules. :) Mark, you can name your baby Skeletor! Of course, that might seem cool to me, but to others it may clearly not.

  11. In Emily's defense, Julie says this happened when Emily was quite young. Dear, could you have meant "latex" gloves instead of "exlax" gloves?

  12. I remember Kendra telling Grandma Harris, "My other Grandma got cancelled." After a moments pause, Jessica corrected Kendra, "No, she didn't get cancelled, she got cancer." Kendra thought a moment then said, "Oh."

  13. This isn't really family, but I heard that one little girl was reading to her grandma and read, "A freekin' elephant." Her grandma was shocked, and said, "It doesn't really say that! She looked at the page and read, "African elephant." Sound it out!

  14. My neice Anna said "today we learned about the golden plates, we were going to color a picture but we ran out of time, because it is fast Sunday."
    My nephew Isaac: "Mom, you always like to wear your jammies under your clothes, huh."

    When we showed Kate an utlrasound picture of her baby brother she looked at it and said "It's a monster, roar roar roar!"

  15. Jammies. That's funny.

    Well, at least the little monster will have a skeleton cousin to play with.

    I've loved reading everybodys funny posts! Whenever I need a laugh I go to the blog. When you can laugh at yourself, even the "awkward moments" are treasures.

  16. Dad's Freakin' elephant story reminded me of something. I used to ask Mom to tell me the story about the girl whose mean sisters wouldn't let her go to the potty. Mom was very confused until she heard Grandma Harris telling me the story of how Cinderella's sisters wouldn't let her go to the party (in her British accent, it sounded like potty.)

  17. These were hilarious! Thanks for sharing. And just to clarify... when I was VERY young, we were cleaning my room and I thought I was being creative by giving all of my toys names. I thought I made the word exlax up.

  18. My youngest sister, Rebecca, was upset one evening when she was about 3 or 4 years old. She stormed off to her room and my dad went to check up on her. She stopped him dead in his tracks with this, now infamous, retort. "Your not my mommy! Get out of my room!"

    Anyone else would have been grounded for a week, but coming from cute little Rebecca just made it hilarious.

  19. The other day Drew mentioned that he would really like to get laser eye surgery. “Wow!” Will exclaimed, “I didn’t know you could get LASER EYES!” (I think that kid has been watching too many super hero shows.)
